Monday, 9 September 2013

why books are better than films

recently I've been inundated with people asking me why I read books when there are films of those this the most ridiculous question ever or what? I mean don't get me wrong I love watching films and the harry potter films are my favourite films, but books are just so much more individual to each person!

another thing about books is you can use your imagination!! No one decides what you're experiencing: there are no limits to the ways you interpret a book! Whereas in a film it's the directors interpretation seen on the screen and as interesting and unique that is, every person who watches sees and experiences the same things. 

reading also enhances your vocabulary and can help with your writing. As much as films can be visual inspiration to write, books are the actual physical form of the written word and allows the reader to learn from the author new techniques and ways to describe things. 

who else has fallen in love with a book and then gone to watch to film adaption but been sorely disappointed? Did the director leave bits out? This is my biggest annoyance about films - they ALWAYS leave something out. And yes I know you can't fit a 500 page book into a two hour film AND include everything but it frustrates me nonetheless. 

in books you get to know the character better and you know every thought and feeling they're experiencing, which otherwise would not happen in a film even with a particularly good actor. I find it easier to fall in love with a book character than a film character and I connect more to them. 

books are far more portable and practical - ever tried to carry around a dvd player and dvd and tv? Not easy. Whereas a book slips into a bag or even a coat pocket with ease and you can take it anywhere. Limitless.  

which do you guys prefer, books or films? leave a comment below and let me know:-) 

1 comment:

  1. TOTALLY agree with you! Absolutely brilliant post! xxx
